
WrongBird is seeking partners to develop new technologies and applications for aerial imagery in the construction field.  Contact us to get started.

Visualize and Prepare

A new construction site is like a blank canvas, and starting your work with a strong foundation is essential to delivering your best work.  See the whole picture of your site from above, and use our images to assist in planning and communication.  

Capture Progress in Real-Time

Build on the foundation of good communication you laid at the beginning, and allow our images to assist you in communicating within your company,  with sub-contractors, and with your customer.   Capture as-builts and reference images that will simplify your job down the road.

Inspect and Correct

The finish line is in site, and now you are focused on wrapping up your punch list.  Use our imagery to simplify the inspection and verification process, and keep valuable personnel on the ground until an issue has been identified.  Save time and money with our up-close aerial inspections.