A Christmas Set Back.
To the person who stole 30k+ in gear from our white 2004 Chevy Tahoe while it was parked at Jefferson Pointe on Friday. I don’t know that you will see this, but if you do, I need you to know that you are forgiven.
I also really need you to know that you hurt my wife and I a lot, and we have really been struggling with this sudden new reality.
You didn’t just take stuff from us, but it feels like you took our hope for the future. You stole our business. You broke our hearts.
I do also want you to know that you’ve stolen enough to put you into the felony category. If you are caught this will change your life forever. I assume you had no idea what you were getting yourself into.
It would be tremendous if you brought back some or all of our dream. We will drop any charges we can. You have my word. You can contact us via the form on our homepage or via Facebook. We will have to let the law take its own course if the police find you.
Either way, you have our forgiveness. You are a person who matters to God, Jesus has already paid the price for this sin, and you matter to me. I hope you find what you are looking for. I’m sorry our paths crossed this way.
For anyone who may have information or saw something Friday night please send me a direct message. The police won’t get to our case for roughly 2 weeks.
Our vehicle was a white Chevy Tahoe parked between Biaggis and Bed Bath and Beyond from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Most of the gear was in wheeled cases of various sizes and two backpacks.
The current list of stolen items is here.
If you have information, please shoot me a text at 419-487-0777 or email me at info@wrongbird.com
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